Thoughts and Energy level of the body

I started experimenting with anandha mandala during the last couple of weeks. I found during the period that the thoughts that arise are very much related with the energy level of the body.  When the energy levels are low the thoughts are often questions/complaints and seek an escape from the situation. While on the other hand, immediately after doing the ananda mandala, the thoughts are entirely different on the same issue.

If one does believe that the thoughts belong to an individual and acts based on them, it might be necessary to raise the energy levels of the body.  I guess there are many forms of breathing exercises in the form of yoga which is would help. The physical exercises like running and cycling also  helps in regulating the breathe, in turn affecting the mind. If some of these are followed consistently, the reaction for a particular situation would be often positive..

While on the other hand, if one observes the movement of thought and realizes the futile nature of the same and renounces it  in relationships with people, the energy would remain still. Which means the thought would find its use for some technical work and then cease. This, with my current observations is the way to be in the present. While am inquiring on these, I get a feeling that its a new way of living and its still sinking in me…

Note: these are just my personal observations through experimenting with teachings from oneness university and j krishnamurthy.